Montag, 25. August 2014

Suzanne Sullivan

Suzanne Sullivan is a ceramic and textile artist based in South Brooklyn, New York. She grew up in the Pacific Northwest, where she learned ceramics as a child. She grew up fascinated by Northwest Coast Native American art. "I like the idea of the artist as a kind of design factory, prepared to tackle all kinds of issues, whether they be extraordinary or mundane," she says. She had been focusing on textiles until about three tears ago, where her daughter, a longtime ceramicist, suggested the two of them take a ceramics class together. "I like the things in our every day world that are not mass-produced, things that have fingerprints on them. At home, I collect twigs and sticks and nests, special rocks, pieces of small nothings from the natural world, and a lot of times, my ceramics become vessels for these things." 

Fotos via Koromiko

Dienstag, 12. August 2014

Wattestäbchen Vasen

Seit Juni arbeite ich im Kinderkunsthaus. Hier eine Idee - selbstbemalte Vasen - die dort entstanden ist. 
  • Gurkengläser, Flaschen
  • Acrylfarben; Schulmalfarben
  • Wattestäbchen